

或許不是喜歡酒,是喜歡那種又苦又甜,嚐起來像是人生的滋味。以為已邁向《Battle for the Sun》的成熟,卻還是回到《Meds》的原點。

“With just your song to say goodbye.
My Oh My.
A song to say goodbye,
A song to say goodbye ,
A song to say...”


聽著歌,配著酒。華麗的編曲也蓋不住生命中那麼多的千瘡百孔。始終無法跟青春期的彆扭say goodbye,始終沒有長大啊。


Why are you so into Pinot? It's like a thing with you.

I don't know. It's a hard grape to grow. As you know. It's thin-skinned, temperamental, ripens early. It's not a survivor like Cabernet that can grow anywhere and thrive even when neglected.

Pinot needs constant care and attention and in fact can only grow in specific little tucked-away corners of the world. And only the most patient and nurturing growers can do it really, can tap into Pinot's most fragile, delicate qualities.

Only when someone has taken the time to truly understand its potential can Pinot be coaxed into its fullest expression. And when that happens, its flavors are the most haunting and brilliant and subtle and thrilling and ancient on the planet.





這個星期天我照例睡到中午(沒錯我這個年紀還是可以睡到中午很強吧)才醒來,懶散地梳洗過後準備出門覓食,在出門前隨便地滑著手機,卻忽然看到嗷嗷走了的消息。 整個人從頭到腳都冷了起來,但一字一字地把全篇讀完後,心情卻感到稍微舒緩了。高齡22歲,沒有病痛、沒有嘔吐、沒有失...